Jordi Alba: "You have to work as a team to win titles"

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Jordi Alba had his debut for Inter Miami CF Wednesday night during his team's 3-1 victory against Orlando City in the Leagues Cup 2023 round of 32.

The multi-champion left back and FC Barcelona legend, began the match on the bench and came on in the 64th minute to replace Noah Allen to take his spot on the defensive wing.

“The truth is that I am very happy. I really wanted to come, to play for Inter Miami and I want to thank the fans for the welcome they have given me. It has been incredible. The team played a great game and we advanced to the next round”, said the Spaniard post match.

Jordi Alba was also excited about the level of the team and its future in Leagues Cup, the US Open Cup, and the remainder of the Major League Soccer season. He  aspires to win a new trophy in his career,

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“I think that in the first training sessions I've seen, the team is very excited to improve, to win. They don't give loose balls. We have high quality people and we have to work as a team to win titles, which is the most important thing in the season”, he said

Later, he was asked about Lionel Messi's level of play to start his Inter Miami CF tenure and Alba did not hesitate to praise his great friend and teammate: “It is no longer surprising. He does it every day, every game. What Leo does is outrageous and after two years without playing together, today we finally meet again. And well, now to enjoy together”.

The Messi-Alba relationship, friends on and off the field

Jordi Alba arrived at FC Barcelona in June 2012 and from the beginning he formed a partnership with Lionel Messi that marked an era.

His understanding when it comes to moving in space, playing short and understanding the Argentine's talent made him one of his favorite partners on the playing field.

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So much so that he has the 5th most assists of Messi goals (25) being surpassed only by Luis Suárez (35), Dani Alves (32), Andrés Iniesta (28) and Neymar (27).

But their relationship went beyond the pitch and they built a great friendship, reuniting with their families and spending many vacations together.

When Jordi Alba announced his departure from FC Barcelona on May 24, the '10' dedicated heartfelt words to him through his Instagram account: "You were more than a teammate, a true accomplice on the pitch... And how nice it is also to be able to enjoy how well we get along personally. You know that I always wish you the best and also to your family, I hope your new phase continues to bring you much success and joy".